Friday, 29 May 2015

St.Petersburg travel in summer

Not for everyone is to be photographed, right after waking up on the way to the morning shower. But who wants to feel even as object of photographic desire, or has at least no problem, I can recommend without reservation the location hostel. Project I recommend anyone who visits St.Petersburg and has a penchant for architecture, art or good coffee the Etagi loft. But you come in the morning, since the inhabitants look funnier.
Now it is so far. We have hardly left the familiar realm of the EU, the first problems arise promptly. Nothing that we successfully got away from the world, but it will slowly seriously. Here in Russia, for the first time some more attention, imagination, and gestikulatives skill is needed.
First of all, we owe a small supplement our readership about our first appearance in St.Petersburg. Night driven by and without sleep, but with a lot of back pain, the bus spewed out morning us Centre in St.Petersburg to 7 h. Quickly, Jochen had checked our site and the next steps (say Metro to the hostel). I let him, because at least he found sleeping while driving an hour.
So off to the Metro. I already had a few rubles in his pocket like with Ferry Liverpool Dublin Boat and ordered us the Metro coins. Not using correct Russian language scraps, still reasonably confident, but there should be enough. Armed with bag and baggage, we strove through the bottleneck at the inlet to the station. With urbane serenity, I pushed my coin in the device of the machine and squeezed me with some effort through the turnstile.
Arrived on the other side, I was driving along. A shrill beep sound drove me through leg. I contacted along with luggage and saw stuck Jochen in the turnstile. Stubborn, he tried to achieve but admitted to Metro, the louder the siren wailing. Not good. Jacobs look revealed that he was poised to change his mood from despair to panic. I asked about the problem, got only a helpless shrug. Coin swallowed, access is denied. Stupid started.
What to do? A nice Russian passer-by tried the problem to identify, assured in a Russian torrent of speech that he have no idea what is. So we have derived at least the us, after still did nothing. Aside from the penetrating whistles.
What was already part on the already frayed nerves, have to let cold apparently an observer of the whole scene. Not ten metres away was a uniform which staring holes in Jacobs backpack which he had from offer Ferry Liverpool Belfast with stoic look. No emotion, no indication that he would be willing to help. Only the views in the void.